F3 PAX Testimony: Cupcake


My testimony –

I had just turned 50 and I realized one day as I was getting up off the floor after watching a movie, I was suddenly feeling “older”. My joints hurt, I didn’t have the energy I once had – it seemed I’d peaked and it was downhill from there! I’d been going to the gym but I was stuck in the same old routine, the same rut without much motivation or results. About a week or two later at our church, Grace Covenant, a gentleman gave a quick announcement on a group called “F3” – Fitness, Fellowship, Faith”. It sounded perfect but I was hesitant. I’d never joined a group like that, pretty much did my own thing (and that was the problem!).

I contacted the group and eventually joined a workout at 5:30am near Chik-Fil-A. Afterwards, it was 50-50 whether I’d ever show up a second time! I thought “this is crazy”. But the guys welcomed me in immediately, encouraged me and promised if I stuck with it – it’d change my life – and boy were they right! While that was seven years ago and I’m in dramatically better shape physically, the most impactful aspects of F3 has not been the running, the mericans, the Carolina dry docks, endless burpees or levitating pretzels (yeah we have a unique vernacular) – it’s been the relationships I’ve developed with other men, the chance to give back to my community and real growth in my personal faith. More importantly, it’s not just something I do by myself outside my family life – my wife and kids have been involved in many events and new relationships. I can say I’m a better husband, father, friend, neighbor and stranger as a result of F3 and the men that are my close friends now. I hope I’m blessed with many more years with this remarkable group and hope I can share the benefit with other men.



F3 Race City Charity Bowling Tournament


F3 PAX Testimony - Contra